#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Text; our $DEBUG = 0; my $modified = 0; my $path = ""; my $verbose = 0; my $opt = GetOptions ( 'modified' => \$modified, 'path:s' => \$path, 'debug' => \$DEBUG, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'usage' => sub { &usage(); }, 'help' => sub { &usage(); }, ); &usage() unless ($path and -d $path); my %buffer = (); opendir(DIR, $path) or die $!; while(my $d = readdir(DIR)) { if (-f "${path}/$d") { my @st = stat ("${path}/$d"); my @mod = (gmtime((stat("${path}/${d}"))[(10 - $modified)]))[3..5]; my $date = sprintf("${path}/%4d:%02d:%02d",($mod[2] + 1900), $mod[1], $mod[0]); push (@{$buffer{$date}}, "${path}/${d}"); } } closedir(DIR); foreach my $k (%buffer) { for (@{$buffer{$k}}) { print "$k -> $_\n" if $verbose or $DEBUG; unless ($DEBUG) { mkdir $k unless -d $k; move $_, "${k}/$_" or warn $!; } } } sub usage () { my $p = Pod::Text->new(); $p->filter(*DATA); exit(0); } __DATA__ =head1 Name dirSplit -- divided to order the file modified time or inode change time in directory. =head1 VERSION $Id: dirSplit.pl 171 2008-03-02 07:05:34Z yasui $ =head1 USAGE dirSplit --path=. --verbose --modified =head1 OPTIONS =over =item --path <directory path> Directory has a divided the files. =item --modified divided to modified time. default is inode change time. =item --verbose verbose output. default is quiet/no output. =item --usage/--help show this. =back