at_yasu's blog


NSImage で dpi 取得

Core Fundation を使わないとだめっぽい?

てか、NSImage での size は、縦横のピクセル数の値が返って来るみたい。dpiを無理矢理 72dpiに変換した値のを。

出元はこちら -> Sample Code

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void) setImagePath: (NSString *)path
    // use ImageIO to get a CGImageRef for a file at a given path
    NSURL * url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: path];

  // create the CGImageSourceRef
    CGImageSourceRef isr = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)url, NULL);
    if (isr)
        // options for getting image and meta data
        // - create a 'cached' image
        // - allow float pixel data
        NSDictionary* options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
            (id)kCFBooleanTrue, (id)kCGImageSourceShouldCache,
            (id)kCFBooleanTrue, (id)kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat,
        // create image at index 0 (note that ImageIO supports multi-page TIFFs, GIFs, ...)
        CGImageRef image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(isr, 0, (CFDictionaryRef)options);
        // get the meta data for the image at index 0
        NSDictionary* meta = (NSDictionary*)CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(isr, 0, (CFDictionaryRef)options);
        // keep image and meta-data
        [self setImage: image
          withMetadata: meta];
        CFRelease (isr);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (void) setImage: (CGImageRef)image 
     withMetadata: (NSDictionary *)meta
    if (mImage)
  mImage = image;
  if (meta)
        [meta retain];
    [mMeta release];
    mMeta = meta;

    // update display
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (float) dpiWidth
  NSNumber*  val = [mMeta objectForKey:(id)kCGImagePropertyDPIWidth];
  float    dpi = [val floatValue];
  return (0 == dpi ? 72. : dpi);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (float) dpiHeight
  NSNumber*  val = [mMeta objectForKey: (id)kCGImagePropertyDPIHeight];
  float    dpi = [val floatValue];
  return (0 == dpi ? 72 : dpi);


しかし objc だと直接 CF 使えるけど、Java だとどうするんだろこれ。